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As architects, we don’t often have the chance to work in the scale of exhibition design. So when we had the opportunity to exhibit our work for the Architect ’12 Fair, we tried to make the most out of designing the small display space.

What we observed is that people are shy to express their curiosity in public areas. We think that this might have something to do with the interior environment itself – sometimes very large spaces such as exhibition halls and shopping malls can be intimidating.  So for Architectkidd’s design, we really wanted to create something that would encourage viewers to interact with our displays in more intimate ways.

Instead of hanging our displays on walls or panels, we had the idea of creating small “secret” architectural spaces within our exhibit. Information and displays would then be embedded inside these interior “rooms”.

When approaching the displays, people would initially see the outer sculpted surfaces with various openings.

People then had to come closer in order to look inside openings to see various information (such as our research on deforestation, infographics, and video).

Each opening was different and were positioned at different heights for different people.

So did we make an exhibition design, an architectural model, or a large-scale building mockup? We like to think that we tried to combine all three together.

Our exhibition design directly relates to our architectural approach for the Forest Urbanism project, which focuses on the idea of creating habitable spaces in between the forest “gaps”.

We were delighted to see how visitors, both young and older, reacted to our three exhibition columns. The physical material – machine sculpted EPS foam – provides a tactile first impression and invites people to “feel” the exhibition with their hands.

Have a look at some more photos on Architectkidd’s Facebook page

Project Summary:
Name: 6 Water cities
Scope: Exhibition
Sponsor: ASA (Association of Siamese Architects)
Project Exhibition Team: Luke Yeung, Pailin Paijitsattaya, Marisa Charusilawong, Phuttipan Aswakool
Fabricator: Royal Intertrade
Overall Exhibit Designer: BUG Studio
Contractor: D-63
Project Area: 3m x 3m x 2.1m
Completion date: April 2012