Design is Accumulative

For the ASA Forum (Association of Siamese Architects Forum) this year, the overall topic of discussion is titled “Bottom Up”. Jariyawadee Lekawatana, Luke Yeung and Phuttipan Aswakool were on hand to present some of Architectkidd’s latest projects to the audience.

Architectkidd had been invited to give a talk as part of the “Thai Young Generation Series” along with IDIN Architects, Onion, Plankrich and Supermachine Studio.   For our part we were interested to share with others not only the final outcomes of our building projects but also the way we go about getting there.  We showed how we work collaboratively within our team as well as with other people and things along the process.  We think design is sometimes an accumulation of parts and pieces, not unlike searching for and picking up interesting bits along the way, and then discovering how to best arrange and rearrange them.

Updated: DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION HERE.   We have just uploaded a Flash version of the presentation, so if you are interested in viewing the presentation online, please click here to see it (it’s about 7 MB so it might take a minute to load the images on your web browser.  Also you should have Flash Player installed on your browser).