Ignite Creative Ideas, Push Design Limits

Along with our recent move to our new studio location, Architectkidd has launched “SPARKLAB”. Sparklab will be a series of year-round design challenges to ignite ideas, push limits, and sharpen our creative edge. Our goals are to spark new perspectives with small scale projects and activities by exploring materials and approaches. Our first Sparklab project […]

Layered Structures

For the Hong Kong Shenzen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism / Architecture (UABB), four Bangkok design practices were invited to collectively design a piece of architecture along the waterfront area of Kowloon. The design for a viewing platform for the Biennale grew out of discussions between Architectkidd, Chat Architects, Studiomake, and Thingsmatter. Together our goal was to […]

Architect Expo: Borderless

The theme of this year’s Thailand Architect Fair is “BORDERLESS”. It reflects the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) initiative to increase trade and investment by improving integration between the 10 South East Asian nations. Architecture is well positioned to play a role as it crosses professional and discipline boundaries.  However, architecture should not only be about […]

Designing for Spaces in the Forest

The goal of our “Forest Urbanism” project is to create architecture that can co-exist with new and future forests in the same space.  As Thailand continues to rapidly urbanize and industrialize, more forests are being removed to ‘clear the land’ for man-made and building development. What would happen if we were instead required to preserve […]

Deforestation Increases Floods

The question of how much impact that deforestation has on flooding has been debated in environmental research.  Analyzing something as large and complex as the ecological system presents challenges in isolating the causes and effects. This has led some people to believe that quantitative measurements on flooding and deforestation are too difficult to prove. Nonetheless, […]

Floods, Cities & Forests

For this year’s ASA (Association of Siamese Architects) Exposition,  Architectkidd will be part of a group of design practices that will exhibit conceptual and critical designs on the issue of water, floods and cities.  Architectkidd’s focus will be on the importance of forests and flood management in face of increasing urbanization in Thailand. Forests are […]

Design is Accumulative

For the ASA Forum (Association of Siamese Architects Forum) this year, the overall topic of discussion is titled “Bottom Up”. Jariyawadee Lekawatana, Luke Yeung and Phuttipan Aswakool were on hand to present some of Architectkidd’s latest projects to the audience. Architectkidd had been invited to give a talk as part of the “Thai Young Generation Series” along […]

New Directions in Thai Materials

A publication titled “New Directions in Thai Materials” has been released by the Thailand Creative and Design Center (TCDC).   The book  is written by Peta Bassett and published by Serinda Publications. Architectkidd’s project for Lightmos has been featured in this book, as well as recent architectural, furniture and other projects designed by Thai offices and individuals.  What is interesting […]

Thai Public Messaging Culture

Message Kart 2010 will be on display for the upcoming Bangkok Design Festival and Big Mountain Music Festival. Coordinated by Pitupong Chaowakul of Supermachine, with contributions from Pok Kobkongsanti of T.R.O.P. and many other of our design friends and colleagues in Bangkok, this project is a kind of a low-tech response to the messaging culture that is now common in the public and digital domain. […]

Architecture Biennial Beijing

Over 50 emerging practices from around the world have been invited to participate in this year’s Architecture Biennial in Beijing. Architectkidd has contributed a few of our projects for this event, which comprises of exhibitions, student work and a symposium focusing on advanced digital design in architecture. The exhibition is the fourth in a series […]

Thailand & Venice Architecture Biennale

Vichayuth Meenaphant & Phuttipan Aswakool have developed a design that has been awarded first runner-up in a competition to represent Thailand for the 2010 Architecture Biennale in Venice, Italy.  The proposal, titled “Fog”, responds to the Biennale’s architecture curator, Kazuyo Sejima, and her mission to exhibit architecture for a “post ideological society”. In addition, the Thai competition […]