Hand Made Facades

We’re not quite facade engineering specialists, but we have been using our curiosity as motivation to investigate possibilities and materials in buildings.  In the process, we hope to develop designs that are not strictly limited to functional or technical criteria.  In this recent project, we have created a new 3-storey facade using hand-made woven plant […]

Thailand & Venice Architecture Biennale

Vichayuth Meenaphant & Phuttipan Aswakool have developed a design that has been awarded first runner-up in a competition to represent Thailand for the 2010 Architecture Biennale in Venice, Italy.  The proposal, titled “Fog”, responds to the Biennale’s architecture curator, Kazuyo Sejima, and her mission to exhibit architecture for a “post ideological society”. In addition, the Thai competition […]

Deep Patterns

For the design of a new gallery, we have been developing strategies to create “deep” patterns in order to fabricate architectural walls with continuously variable thicknesses. The gallery is located inside a large commercial retail space.  This existing interior space is enclosed by a strong geometrical form: a 30-meter, glass dome.  The gallery will be inserted along the perimeter of the […]

Speckled Superstructures

Our work on the Lightmos showroom is now completed, and the building has been receiving some coverage from web and print publications.   Among the popular designer sources, there is  Archdaily and Contemporist.  Also, Dezeen showed the furniture designs that came from the building’s facade materials.  There is  ArchThai, Minimalismi, and interestingly, Trendhunter, in which […]

Integrated Ceiling System

A full-scale mockup of our design for an integrated ceiling solution has been completed.  The objective was to develop a new ceiling that can accommodate different functional systems of an office building, while maximizing vertical height and daylight reflection. We first mapped out the existing ceiling condition of the office space, which covered 5000 square […]

Smooth Reception

The Thai Obayashi wood reception counter is now installed in the company’s headquarters building on Rachadamri Road.  This counter is the final piece for this project, which involves the renovation of the office building’s interior spaces. What was interesting for us was that there was a high level of collaboration and experimentation compared to other commercial projects.  In order to […]

Green Walls

The headquarters for Goodwill has been completed. The building provides a new workplace environment for administrative staff and engineers who build and maintain the industrial kitchen equipment that the company provides to its clients. In developing the design for the workplace environment, we studied the possibilities for applying soft landscape for every architectural surface of this building.  We developed details to provide for plants […]